Here at Floctkon School, we pride ourselves on good behaviour. The staff and pupils monitor behaviour throughout the year by using pupil voice, observations and verbal exchanges with visitors. By listening to feedback from our pupils, we are able to create a set of meaningful behaviour principles which are important to all the pupils in school. Please see below the behaviour principles here at Flockton. From May 2022, we use the statements below to monitor behaviour in school. You can see what our pupils think we do well from our most recent questionnaire by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Vision Statement School Rules
The school rules are chosen by the children in school. All pupils were asked what was the right way to behave when being: Rooted in the Community, when they Branch into the Future, and when Walking Together in the Light of the Lord. Our pupils thought we should: Be respectful, Be the best we can be, and be kind.
Click the link to find out information for parents regarding bullying. ABW Parents Pack 2024 – Printable Version
Some of our children explain why its important to fight against bullying. Each year we take part in Anti-Bullying week and learn why we stand against bullying at Flockton School.
We work hard to reduce the risk of child-on-child abuse in school and ensure that we teach this as part of our curriculum. Peer-on-peer abuse is described as but not limited to: Bullying, physical abuse, abuse in intimate relationships, sexual violence and harrasment, causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, upskirting, consensual or non consensual sharing of nude or semi nude images or videos, initiation type violence and rituals. Please see below where we educate our pupils to stay safe.
We also ensure we cover Anti-Bullying each half term in Collective Worship. You can see our next 2 years planning for this below.
As part of our recent pupil questionnaire, take a look at what our pupils think we do well.