Online Safety

We know that with the ever changing dangers of the internet, online safety is a big concern for parents. To help keep children safe, we are providing links to the best websites that contain information and guides that you can use to ensure you are aware of the dangers in different aspects of communication and the internet, as well as ways to keep your children safe at home. Whilst using the internet at school, our system is filtered by Kirklees firewall.  In addition, we have a Smoothwall filtering system that notifies Miss Taylor should any unsafe searches be attempted by pupils in school.  We understand that filtering systems may not always be in place at home however, if you would like to find out if this is possible on your personal devices please click here.  Our DSL's linked to online safety are Miss Taylor and Mrs Hurst. Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs E. Johnson.


Online Safety Policies

Acceptable Use Policies


If you would like information about the safety of apps your child might be accessing at home, you can find information from the NSPCC Net Aware by clicking here.

Kirklees Safeguarding also provides support and advice when thinking about having a mobile phone.  This is accessed through the My First Mobile website.  You can access that my clicking here.


The following websites contain lots of parental and child support keeping safe online and information regarding wider safeguarding of children.  Click on the images to take you to the webpage. 




Further to these links, we also believe the following guides contain useful information for parents:


Parental Guides