Parent Information

Address Details/Contact Numbers

It is important that your contact details are always kept up to date.  Please notify the school office immediately of any changes.


Allergies / Food Intolerances 

Allergies / Food Intolerances

If your child has any food allergies/intolerances; please contact the school office.  A healthcare plan may need to be drawn up between parents/carers, school and medical practitioners.  We have to be aware that some children in school may have a nut allergy and for this reason we ask that no nut products are brought into school at any time

Attendance & Opening Times

School Opening Times:  8.50am  - 3.30pm


School is open for pupils 32.5 hours a week


Our Attendance Policy can be viewed on the policy page.


Link regarding how to pay for penalty notices can be viewed here.


Government information on attendance can be viewed by following the link.


Morning registration takes place at 9.05am.  Registers close at 9.20am.  Anyone arriving after that time will be classed as late. Please note the Absense Procedures below, should your child not be in school for morning register. 


We expect full attendance at school unless your child is sick or there has been an emergency.  We do not authorise holidays in term time. Children's attendance should be above 96%.  Please see our Attendance Policy for more information.  Anyone arriving late to school must sign in at the main entrance.   If you arrive after registration has closed this may be classed as an unauthorised absense.  It is important to note that whilst every reasonable care is taken to ensure children’s safety when they are on the premises before the start of the day your child is legally in your charge until 8.50am.


End of the School Day at 3:30pm:


  • Children should be collected promptly at 3:30pm by an adult. 
  • Y5 pupils living in the village may walk to and from school on their own. Please inform the class teacher if you intend to do this.
  • If you think you are going to be late arriving to collect your child, please inform school. 
  • It is vital that you inform school if someone else will be picking up your child. 


If your child is absent from school due to sickness or other reason please telephone school 01924 326800 on the first day of absence before 9:00 am to give the reason.  Alternatively email  If you do not contact the school, in order to comply with our Child Safeguarding Policy and First Day Calling Procedures, the following will occur:




Communication to parents 

Where possible we aim to send correspondence via ParentPay, therefore, please ensure your email address is up-to-date on ParentPay.  We also have a text messaging service to send out key messages.  You can download the ParentPay App, where your messages will be delivered to your phone. Please ensure that you keep both email address and contact numbers up to date.  

Prescription Medication

We will administer prescription medication during school hours only if it has been prescribed for 4 doses a day.  To do this we need you to complete an administration of medication form, available from the school office or downloadable from our school website. The form and medication should be delivered to the school office. For long term illnesses Health Care Plans need to be drawn up with parents/carers, school and medical practitioners.  If your child has an inhaler, please ensure that is has a doctors label on the box and is in date.  

Accidents and Injuries in School 

  • If your child has a minor accident including a bumped head you will recieve a injury note from school. 
  • A call home is made if the bump is causing concern, otherwise a bumped head letter will be sent home with the child.
  • If there is any incident involving a head or other injury, which gives cause for concern, every attempt will be made to contact you directly.


We are a “cashless” school and any payment due will need to be made via the secure online payment service at  Details of log-ins etc will be sent when any payment is required.

School Meals

  • All pupils in Year Reception, 1 and 2 are entitled to the universal free school meal, however if you wish your child to have a packed lunch we can accommodate this.
  • Children in Year 3, 4 and 5 who are entitled to Statutory Free School Meals will receive a free school meal, otherwise meals are paid for using the ParentPay online payment system. Please note that we do not allow children to bring sweets or chocolate to school.
  • We also have to be aware that some children in school may have a nut allergy and for this reason we ask that no nut products are brought into school at any time
  • If you wish to change meal arrangements; dinners to sandwiches and vice-versa please telephone the school office to arrange.

Free School Meals & Pupil Premium

The pupil premium gives schools extra funding to raise the attainment of children in school. If you receive any of the following benefits please apply online or call 01484 221928:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit, but are not entitled to a Working Tax Credit and your annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) is less than £16,190
  • Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit

In order that the school can receive this funding it is important for all eligible parents to apply. Once your entitlement is confirmed your child will be eligible to:

  • Free School Meals
  • Free School Milk
  • Support towards the cost of school trips where funds allow
  • Free After School Clubs where funds allow

Please contact the school office if you require any further information.

School Uniform

Logo embroided school uniform is available from Term Time Wear, St Johns Road, Huddersfield (  Other uniform is available from a wide range of retailers. 

  • Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece.
  • School branded hoodie
  • White polo shirt
  • Black or Navy joggers or leggings, or skorts. 
  • Footwear - a dark trainer or trainer style school shoe.
  • A pair of wellies for outdoor learning
  • A warm waterproof coat.

PE Kit

Indoor Activities:  Plain t-shirt, dark shorts and trainers

PE is taught mainly outdoors.  Children should come dressed in jogging bottoms on PE days.  Any long hair should be tied up and earrings must be removed.

  • Jewellery should not be worn as this represents a danger to the wearer and other children.
  • Where children have pierced ears, only studs will be allowed and these must be able to be removed by the child for PE and swimming.
  • We ask that children do not wear make-up or nail varnish in school.

Please ensure all items of clothing are named.