Personal, Health, Social and Cultural Education inc. Relationship, Sex and Health Education
Welcome to our curriculum page on PHSCE including Relationship, Sex and Health Education.
Here you will find:
Whole School Long Term Plan
Progression Map
Medium Term Plan
Statutory Publications & Policies
Additional Information for Parents
Flockton School uses the JIGSAW scheme of work to ensure a comprehensive coverage of key skills and knowledge. The scheme was chosen by the Shelley Pyramid schools.
As a school, we have chosen JIGSAW to deliver our PHSCE curriculum. It is a mindful approach to PHSCE, it is a progressive and spiral scheme of learning. In planning the lessons, Jigsaw PSHE ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate. The documents below draw out the spiral knowledge and skills progression within all six Puzzles (units of work) including the key vocabulary used in each year group; explicit links to the DfE statutory Relationships and Health Education outcomes have been made in each Puzzle.
INTENT: We have chosen this scheme as alines with our Christian vision of ‘Rooted in the community, branching into the future, walking together in the light of the Lord’. Our intentions are that Flockton pupils develop the skills and knowledge to enable them to successfully live together well, both in the school and wider community; knowing where they fit in and how they contribute to the wider world. Using the PHSCE curriculum as a driver, we aim to break down barriers, strengthen the understanding of diversity and give our pupils to knowledge to lead happy, healthy and safe lives. We aim for all our pupils to leave Flockton School with the skills to be successful and confident as they branch into the future. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw 3-11 properly equips our teachers to deliver engaging and relevant PHSCE within a whole-school approach. Our PHSCE curriculum holds children at its heart and enables all to flourish in a safe and respectful environment. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation.
IMPLEMENTATION: Jigsaw 3-11 offers a comprehensive programme for Primary PHSCE, including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. We teach PHSCE weekly. During the Summer term, children in Yrs 2 & 3 and Yrs 4 & 5 are taught separately as we believe the content of the ‘Changing Me’ unit lessons are aimed at the spefic age of the pupils. The rest of the year children are taught content on a two year rolling programme.
IMPACT: This is measured through end of unit assessments, pupil questionnaires/voice, observations of pupils behaviour & monitoring.